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The Artist


… perché siamo fatti di caos e meraviglia

 E il mio caos andava in qualche modo ordinato, nominato, rappresentato, perchè non avesse la meglio su me; dovevo imparare la solitudine, una solitudine che mi permettesse di "vedermi", di capire chi ero per me e chi ero in relazione agli altri e a tutto ciò che ci circonda. 

Scoprire le mie curiosità, i miei interessi, vivere le mie fantasie, la mia immaginazione, che mi poneva davanti a visioni non di questa terra, ma che la comprendevano.
E' cosi' che ho iniziato a staccarmi,  ad innalzarmi per vedere le cose dall'alto.
Da lassù il cielo è il mare, le nuvole la terra, i campi come mosaici incastonati nel verde, i laghi come specchi della terra; tutto dall'alto acquista un ordine, un posto, le forme più diverse si incontrano e si accostano a formare una forma infinita… e sopra tutto una luna di giorno.

Ogni cosa è servita ed è stata importante, tutto mi ha aiutato in questo percorso di svelamento e di ricerca, la lettura, la musica, il cinema, l'arte dei grandi pittori del passato e del più recente presente, tutto ha contaminato il mio lavoro pittorico e la mia ricerca interiore...
E questo è il mio viaggio.



Laura Matteoli  was born in Livorno. She moved to Pisa, where she now lives, in 1974 to study Pharmacy. She is now a librarian at Pisa University.
A  person with a strong sense of curiosity, Laura has always been attracted by the visual arts and especially by painting.
In 1987 she painted her first oil paintings and took  part in various local art contests winning
several prizes and obtaining widespread critical success.
In 1992 she began to paint in watercolour, a technique she has never given up, producing many
small-sized paintings on paper. The hallmark of all her works is a very vivid use of colours.
She then began to participate in several personal and group exhibitions in important Italian cities such as Florence, Milan, Rome and Trieste.
In her paintings, apart from watercolours, she uses other techniques such as acrylic, pastel and collage and materials such as pumice, mortar and chalk.
Her works are abstract in nature but  rich in poetic and spiritual figurative values

sale il mattino su una barca d'oro.JPG


De freo gallery

De freo gallery was founded by Anki and Peter Defreo in 2003 and the first gallery opened in Pietrasanta, a small Tuscan village founded in the 13th century, which has been the world's center for sculptors and painters throughout the centuries. The aim was, and still is, to present an exciting selection of international contemporary artists in a professional and creative environment. An important part is to offer all clients guidance and help, including conveying current art trends in Europe. The de freo group is actively trying to offer the same personal feeling and encounter as they themselves experience when they are visiting their artists around the world. These encounters can be experienced at the galleries or at one of the art tours they are arranging. De freo gallery is currently present in Berlin, Florence and Gothenburg.



"Soft atmospheres, lively warm hues that catch the eye, signs that chase one another in a vortical dynamism of words, shades, and lines."

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